Report to:

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Date of meeting:


25 May 2022


Director of Communities, Economy and Transport



Camber Road, Rother – Experimental Traffic Regulation Order



To seek approval to advertise an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order to introduce No Waiting At Anytime parking restrictions on Camber Road, Camber. To assist with traffic flow and access to the village by deterring parking on verges.



RECOMMENDATIONS: The Lead Member is recommended to authorise the making of an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) to allow a No Waiting At Anytime parking restriction to be introduced on Camber Road.



1              Background Information

1.1.        Camber village is a small popular beach destination within Rother District. The only road link to the village is the Camber Road which runs from the A259 to the entrance to the village. When Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) was introduced in September 2020 all current on street restrictions were formalised. At that time there were no parking restrictions on the Camber Road north from the village to the A259.

1.2.        As well as the popular beach within Camber there are number of residential properties and business including holiday parks, restaurants, cafes, bars, water sports centres.

1.3.        There are four main car parks within Camber with approximately 2530 spaces, this along with some limited amount of on street parking is usually sufficient for normal levels of visitors to Camber. During the summer and particularly during school holidays and bank holidays, the number of visitors often exceeds the available parking spaces. As a result, visitors will often park with little regard for maintaining traffic flow on the Camber Road, often using the verges to park.   

1.4.        On days with significant visitor numbers congestion can extend through the village along the Camber Road north to the A259 in both directions. This has a direct effect on emergency vehicles accessing the village. When vehicles park on the verges along Camber Road there is no available space for vehicles to manoeuvre and allow the emergency vehicles through.

1.5.        Measures to alleviate the congestion have been considered in the past before CPE was introduced. Rother district council commissioned a traffic management report in 2017 and a number of recommendations were made and introduced by Rother District Council. We have also considered introducing a clearway for this section of highway, but a clearway restriction would only affect the carriageway and not the extent of the verges.

1.6.        It is proposed to introduce No Waiting At Anytime restrictions along the Camber Road. This would mean double yellow lines starting approximately 2500 metres from the A259 for a distance of 1500 metres south to Lydd Road at the entrance of Camber village. A map of the proposed section of road is shown at Appendix 1. Double yellow lines apply from the centre of the carriage way to the extent of the highway, this would include the verge. Vehicles parked on the carriageway or verge will be liable for a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) to be issued. Although normal exceptions will apply for disabled badge holders and loading and unloading.

1.7.        The cost for advertising and installing the No Waiting At Anytime double yellow lines will be approximately £6500 and will be met from the parking budget.

2.          Supporting Information


2.1.        The South East Coast Ambulance Service has stated that on days when there are significant visitor numbers, congestion has caused difficulties in achieving timely responses for ambulances attending the village. The South East Coast Ambulance Service, Sussex Police, Rother District Council, Camber Parish Council and East Sussex Highways have been contacted and are in support of the proposal.

2.2.        If approved, the yellow lines will be installed at the beginning of June 2022, with the ETRO sealed after completion. The Traffic Order will then be advertised in local press and notices placed on site, with the restriction coming into force at the end of June 2022. The consultation will be live on the East Sussex County Council Consultation Hub to allow comments to be made for six months. These will be reviewed and assessed to establish if any changes are needed.

2.3.        It should be noted that a ETRO can stay in force for a maximum of 18 months while the effects are monitored and assessed.  Objections should be made during the first six months of the experimental period. If changes are made, a further six months are allowed for objection from the date such changes come into operation.  A decision on whether any changes as part of the ETRO will be removed or made permanent must be made within 18 months of the Order coming into force.

3.    Conclusion and Reasons for Recommendations


3.1.        A No Waiting At Anytime restriction along the Camber Road may discourage vehicles from parking in areas that restrict the width of the carriageway, hindering traffic flow and stopping vehicles from manoeuvring out of the way of oncoming emergency service vehicles attending incidents. Introducing the restriction under an ETRO will enable the necessary parking restrictions to be monitored and reviewed before a decision is made as to whether they should be made permanent, with or without modifications, or revoked. It is therefore recommended that approval be given for the ETRO required to introduce the parking restrictions initially on an experimental basis.



Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Contact Officer: Daniel Clarke

Tel. No. 01323 464057



Councillor Glazier



